Thursday, September 9, 2010

Well, I'm giving in, but I BETTER see a win

I know I said in my prior post that I will NEVER attend another Twin Lakes home game until Brad Urban is no longer the Indians' head coach.
Well, my best friend wants to go to this week's clash with Delphi.
And really, how can I say no to him?
Besides, Delphi is honestly one of two winnable games on the Indians' schedule (besides pitiful Benton Central).
But I BETTER see a win.
If the Indians don't beat the Oracles and lose to them for an unfathomable second straight season, the dark cloud that already hangs over this season is just going to get considerably larger.
With more lightning and thunder included.
What is now a light shower may turn into a full-blown hurricane.
Hurricane Pitiful, that's what it would be.
And it wouldn't be just the remnants either, but the full storm over land.
Scary, I know.
But that's how it's been in Indians nation for the past several seasons. They've weathered difficult storms, but this year - this storm - could be the one that bursts open the flood gates and actually has the athletic director calling the National Guard and terminating the man in charge.
Unless you beat Delphi.
Unless you spring some upsets down the road, such as Rensselaer and West Lafayette.
Because the Twin Lakes Dam is on the verge of seriously bursting.
And no ounce of sandbagging would save it if this team starts 0-4.
Believe me.

*NOTE: I was actually somewhat impressed by TL's one-point defeat to 9th ranked Sheridan on the road, but again, I disagree with a terrible call at the end of the game to go for two instead of kicking the extra point and playing an overtime. What, was Urban THAT SCARED of playing one more period with the Blackhawks for one final time? Did he really think he had better odds in that situation? Well, the ending then was predictable - a stuffed run. This is the Indians' final matchup EVER with the Blackhawks, since Sheridan will join the Hoosier Heartland conference next season while Central Catholic joins the Hoosier Conference. So, really, it only gets worse doesn't it? But thank you, Sheridan, for all the memories. We certainly won't miss you, and we can only hope (and pray) that CC doesn't destroy EVERYBODY.*

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