Saturday, August 28, 2010

August 28: Brad Urban gives us more ridiculous comments

After another non-surprising Twin Lakes loss, 34-13, to the Frankfort Hot Dogs last night, coach Brad Urban gave me more ridiculous comments to talk about this morning.
Let's quickly review WHY Twin Lakes lost last night.
The offense committed four turnovers, most of those being turned into Frankfort points because the defense lets trains, trucks, and the kitchen sink run through it.
Okay? Let's see what the BRILLIANT coach had to say.
"It's not that the kids aren't giving the effort. We don't focus on one player, we rotate four or five guys on the offense-"
Um, there's ONE problem.
There is none in your offense. Oh, wait, I forgot, he's NOWHERE TO BE FOUND right now because you still refuse to tell anybody why.
Um, CONTINUITY is the name of the game here, coach. Shuffling only confuses the offense even more unless they truly know the position they are playing.
And it doesn't exactly confuse the defense because everyone runs the same formation. That goes back to your horrendous play calling, too.
BUT WAIT! HERE'S THE GEM that REALLY set me off!
"We're 2 games through the non-conference, but those two losses don't matter. We play at Sheridan next week, and the conference games start to matter."
What did coach Herm Edwards famously say?
"YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME. And when you start telling me, it doesn't matter, then retire. GET OUT!"
When you start telling fans and alumni that wins and losses don't matter, maybe you should follow Herm's advice, Coach, and get out before this season possibly gets any worse.
This is a downward spiral that I just can't see the Indians getting out of anytime soon. And I refuse to attend another Indians game until this 'coach' is gone and the program actually starts taking steps to not only win games again, but actually be competitive.
What gold will you bring us next week after the Sheridan loss? Only time will tell!

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